Florida 70.3 for a Fourth Go!

I like doing this race every year for a couple reasons. First, it is early in the year so it forces me to train through the winter. Second, it gives me a base line of improvement from the year before.  This year I killed my previous times by a huge margin and had a huge PR for the Half distance.  I finished in 4:21:01 and was 14th overall.  I'm slowly working my way to the top of the age groupers and once I have my run dialed in a little more I think I will be able to crack the overall podium.

Swim: (31:40)
I felt great from the start of the swim.  I felt like I was moving along pretty quickly, but when I got out of the water, I noticed I was slower than the year before. I thought this was strange, but at the time I just pushed it off as possibly a longer course or not swimming in straight lines.  Once I looked at my Garmin later, I realized that I swam straight and the distance was right on so I must have just been going slow!

Bike: (2:15:36)
I had the overall third fastest bike of the day and felt pretty good the whole time!  I usually feel kinda bored and shitty around mile 40 of this course, but it quickly went away this time and I was able to push forward.

Run: (1:30:13)
I'm most happy about the run because this is where I have improved the most.  I have a goal this year of running under 1:30 in a half IM and I was so close!  I started to fall apart on the third lap, but I pulled it together thanks to the help of a couple supporters and finished with close to even splits considering the course is not flat.

Overall, I great day and I'm very happy about the results.  Next up...IM Texas!!!
