Wow how life has changed in the last few years! Just when I think it can't get better, it does! Life on Kauai started out a little rough but now couldn't be better. I love how everything works out as it should. One person once told me 'everything happens for your own awakening' and I firmly believe and understand this. Since it's been a while since I have posted, I'll mostly catch up everything via pictures, but the highlight is...I took an 'early retirement' as my contract at Avetta ended. My last day of work was October 30, 2020. Yay!
Nalu's first paddleboard experience. It may appear that the she is enjoying this, but I can guarantee you...she is not. She was so excited to get off the board at the end, once she was close to shore, she jumped off the board, sending Jackie face first into the water! It was one of those moments that was funny...but not funny!

We don't generally 'go to the mall', but they had some live music so we checked it out and got dessert afterwards. We felt like standard/ was weird.
Kickboarding has become a big part of summer life here. When the waves are small we body surf with our kickboards! Mitch made this one and Chance painted it for me. Mitch has nicknamed me 'Pebbles' because of my hair! I'm now using V2 of this, but this one will forever live in my board shack.
All of that gravel was not there before...just mud. Ask my muscles how much fun they had shoveling it all!
Jackie and I wanted to go to Kipu Kai for a while so we bought a Kayak and made it happen! We started at Nawiliwili and ended at Koloa Landing. Now we have plans to kayak around the whole island in segments like this.
Helping Diane with a retreat on the Big Island
For a minute I thought it would be fun to do paddleboard tours up the river...I quickly changed my mind...
When Connor visits it's like a surf vacation. We surfed 8 hours a day and had a blast! Here are the three brothers getting ready!
Another part of the surfing crew...Yes, Dillon always looks like that.
We got chickens! Now they are much older and providing us with lots of eggs! But here they were when they were much cuter! Between all the food Jackie grows, the fruit trees and the chickens, one day we may be able to live off our land!
Jordan's visit! He has actually been back another time since these pictures, but it turns out we didn't take many pictures on the second trip so here are some from the first.
It's not a true visit without naked pictures somewhere ridiculous!
Remember that kayak trip Jackie and I did? Well Jordan and I were going to try it, but he got sea sick about half a mile in and we had to turn around. This is after while he is recovering :-) Being seasick sucks!
We dove at Niihau/Lehua. Another epic day. Yes, Jordan and I were puking over the side of the boat by the end of the day!
Jordan and I took the jetski to the Napali Coast. Jordan only got a little seasick, but it was a brutal ride back home going upwind!
Games on the beach
We hiked the Blue Hole/Weaping Wall
Alakai Swamp hike
Jordan's second visit! This time with Sofia. I made us skateboards for Christmas (more on this later).
Christmas caroling on the trolley! Much more fun than I ever thought it would be!
Daria's Dance!
I made Daria a surfboard....more on this later.
Jackie and I decided ship the Landcruiser over to the big island and camp/dive/surf/whatever for a month. A few days before I had to ship the truck the radiator went bad! I had to stress and hustle a ton to get it fixed before taking the truck to be shipped. I got it done, but it was not a fun project. The trip was awesome! We drove over 3k miles in the month and dove a ton! We explored so many nooks and crannies of the Big Island. We dove some epic spots including with Tiger sharks! If I was not so into surfing I could see myself living there one day....but hey, surfing wins!
Fresh breakfast on the tailgate!
Jackie has a Tasty Cunt.
We hiked back into Waimanu from Waipio and camped. I had recently learned to roast breadfruit over a fire so we hiked back into the valley to find some breadfruit and cooked it for dinner! Totally self sufficient, so much fun!
We went soooo far in this lava tube. I'm not going to lie....I was scared shitless. Jackie protected me!
We drove Mana Rd around Mauna Kea and camped in the middle of nowhere. The stars were epic!
We did Mauna Kea for both sunset and sunrise.
Pretty funny all the tourist jeeps lined up like this
We found the chameleons!
Possibly my favorite thing about the Big Island trip...we bought a scuba compressor! And we were even able to ship it back in the Landcruiser so kinda got free shipping! This has made diving on Kauai so much easier! We can go anywhere at anytime and don't have to drive to the South side to get and return tanks. Plus, now they are super cheap to fill! I learned to pack the filters, so becoming pretty self-sufficient! Thanks Brad at BISR!
You know Jackie is over the dive when the Magic Carpet Ride begins!
Gatherings at Jeff and Deb's are becoming a regular thing!
I always love when Adria gets pictures of me!
We build an outside bathtub area...It's awesome!
Game night with Lucious and Charlene!

I've been helping Mitch remodel his new place
Alex and company came recently and we surfed our brains out, ate lots of ice cream and played games!
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