BFAST Olympic #3 - First Place Overall!
It always feels great when everything comes together at a race! I felt fresh and the conditions were great! It was a little overcast and it was raining while we were setting up transition, but the rain stopped before the race started. The ocean was a little choppy, but nothing too crazy. When the gun went off we all ran into the water and before I knew it, I was in front with a couple other guys. I just got on one of their feet and let them take control for the majority of the swim. There were so many jelly fish and I bumped into them over the course of the whole swim. None of them stung, but it was a little unnerving being in the water with so much sea life I could see. It was really nice being in the front pack of the swim so I could just relax and let the others site. When I got out of the water (22:55), I was in 4th place, but when I got onto the bike, I was in second. Gotta love those fast transitions! Within the first 30 seconds, I had passed that one person and I was in first place. I held this position the whole bike! I felt like I was flying and I didn't have to push it too hard. When I got off the bike(57:58), the second place person was nowhere in site. Running is not my strong suit so I knew at one point I would see the next person gaining on me. It wasn't till about the last mile when I saw him. He was gaining on me fast so I had to pick it up! I ended up pulling it off and beat him by 5 seconds. I'm super happy for my first win and I'm hoping I can pull off plenty more! My overall time was 2:04:48, but I'm shooting for the sub 2 hour mark. Thanks Kathy Wallis and BFAST for putting on a great race.
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