Daria's Christmas Visit 2010
Daria came out this year on the 21st of December. We had a really good time. On Wednesday night we went to see White Christmas at the Pioneer Theater. I personally think this is one of the most boring plays/musicals out there so I just wanted to sleep the whole time, but Daria had a great time.
I got to take Daria Ice Skating for the first time. We went skating downtown at the Gal
vin Plaza and she did really well! She loves to make friends everywhere she goes, so she was definitely more interested in making friends than learning to skate, but she still learned to do it really well on her own. I thought she would want to stay only about an hour, but we ended up staying for a whole THREE hours. This is crazy since Daria isn't the most active kid on the block. The whole last hour she had found a four year old girl she wanted to teach to skate so this is what she did. But before we left, I made her skate around the whole rink by herself without falling or using the hand rail. It was a really good time.
We also worked on Daria's reading while she was here. It is crazy how much progress a child can make when you just sit down with them for a couple hours and make them sound out words and try to read. This obviously isn't happening in Florida since she went from not being able to read at all to sounding out most small words while she was here.
Daria also got to com
e to work with me for a couple days. This is always fun since she gets to meet new people and play computer games. Hillary and Daria make Sugar Free, Gluten Free Vegan cookies that she handed out to my coworkers as a 'healthy snack'. I'm pretty sure none of my coworkers liked them, but Daria and I think they are great. They really are a super healthy delicious snack.
Daria absolutely loves Christmas and Santa Clause. On Christmas Eve, it was so easy to get her to sleep since she knew she had to be asleep before Santa came! Alexis found this app for her phone that showed a map of where Santa was so we showed Daria how close he was right before bed time...it was great! She was very good in the morning and before she dug into all her stuff, she came and got me so I could watch. She got WAAAYYYY too much stuff. I guess it doesn't help that everyone wants to spoil her.
I flew Daria back to Jacksonville on the night of the 30th of December. We took a red eye and it sucked! The first leg of the trip across the aisle form us was a mother and her son who was way too big to still be sitting on her lap! You could tell she never disciplined her child. He was sooo bad. He screamed when he did not get what he wanted and all he wanted was his own seat, but the flight was overbooked (thanks Delta). So he screamed the WHOLE flight from SLC to ATL. To top it off, he was screaming so much and so loud, he made himself throw up all over himself and his mom. At this point she was yelling at him and screaming 'Fuck' all over the place. This lasted about five minutes then she finally calmed down. Gotta love a red eye you can't sleep on right? I was so excited for the short flight from ATL to JAX thinking I was going to sleep a little, but boy was I wrong. Another shitty kid with a horrible parent! The whole flight a kid was kicking my seat as hard as he could. His mom just went to sleep so she never said a word to him. I asked him to stop a couple times but he obviously did not listen. And people wonder why I don't what any more kids... Daria is great though. I could not live without her.

We also worked on Daria's reading while she was here. It is crazy how much progress a child can make when you just sit down with them for a couple hours and make them sound out words and try to read. This obviously isn't happening in Florida since she went from not being able to read at all to sounding out most small words while she was here.
Daria also got to com
Daria absolutely loves Christmas and Santa Clause. On Christmas Eve, it was so easy to get her to sleep since she knew she had to be asleep before Santa came! Alexis found this app for her phone that showed a map of where Santa was so we showed Daria how close he was right before bed time...it was great! She was very good in the morning and before she dug into all her stuff, she came and got me so I could watch. She got WAAAYYYY too much stuff. I guess it doesn't help that everyone wants to spoil her.
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