Living the Good Life

As I've settled into living on Kauai I have not been traveling all that much, but been enjoying little adventures along the way. Here is what I have been up to! Lei making for Lana's birthday. Lots of reading on the beach! David came to visit and while we didn't get huge surf we caught some fun waves. My new place! It's so cute! Perfect Lanai for working. The view from my workstation. My new place also has bees that I am learning about. Hopefully I can figure out how to harvest my own honey. Ukulele lessons. So much fun with friends! My new toy! She needs a little work and love, but we are going to have so much fun this summer! Some of the destruction from the north shore flooding. Helping friends with the new trampoline. Waves! I love when someone gets to take pictures so I can see what I need to work on (everything!). Finally took a trip to see Oahu! It was fun, ...