Missing The Boat

I've mentioned we were in the process of buying a boat but sometimes timing just isn't right and things don't work out as expected. After being under contract on two different boats we decided the timing just wasn't right. We will still live on a boat in the future, but we decided to put (at least) one more life adventure before it. I've spent a lot of time on in Hawaii, specifically on Kauai. When the boat we were looking at was damaged in Hurricane Irma we started looking around to see if there were any more Leopards for sale (in our price range). One of my searches pulled up the exact same boat we were under contract for on Kauai and I thought to myself....uhhhhh, I've been visiting Kauai for years and I've always wanted to move there....why am I not? It just hit me! I mentioned it to Alia and that day we decided to move. Within two weeks we sold everything we owned and were ready to make the move. Alia drive the car to California to be shipped,...