
Other Life Updates

I never thought the day would come, but I sold the fit!  I really good deal come up on a Honda Odyssey and I thought it would be nice to have more room so I have moved on to a soccer mom van.  The other day when we were doing a green waste run (pulling our trailer with the van), a guy referred to Jackie as a "Mom Looking Creature". Pretty funny! Ashley gave us face masks so we had to try them out! We helped a farm do some pineapple planting. It was a learning experience in more ways than one! Jackie had to stay home with the dog so Jess and I went to the Line Dance Festival in Vegas! Had to stop at In N Out We went to Kona for Christmas, but the dog started having seizures again so we had to go home early.  

Our Mini Farm

We would love to be able to buy a couple acres on Kauai to grow food so we are on the lookout.  In the meantime, we have built a screenhouse to grow food for us!   The old garden...where the new one will go Tilled and ready to go After building the beds, we put the screen on And now we grow! The nursery where we start all the plants is in the backyard Dog for scale

Family Thanksgiving 2024

We met up in Park City for Thanksgiving and got to experience some snow for the first time in a while! Turns out Jackie and Ski!  Don't let her outfit fool you! Steamy!  We got to stay at the Marriott Mountainside which was right at the ski lift at Park City.  Thanks dad! There had to be Leatherbys! Morning hike/walk I wasn't the only one who wanted Jackie's cinnamon roll! Going to see wicked.  How theaters have changed! Got to hang out with Alex and Ceci for a minute while I picked up the snowboard. Spoons!